For a long time
Hollywood Actress moguls were in awe of Kate Beckinsale’s beauty. She is improbably gorgeous. A vampiric Snow White; long-limbed, big-eyed perfection. And that was the problem. She attracted
film actress roles that were all about the way she looked and not about who she is, in blockbusters like Pearl Harbor and Val Helsing, which had high box-office ratings but low critical appeal.
Beckinsale met Wiseman on the set of the vampire thriller Underworld, in which Sheen also appeared. The film was hugely successful, but its success almost condemned her. Beckinsale an
actress hollywood is not the cliché that her shiny, rubber-bodied vamp look might suggest. She is quirky and funny. For a while this shocked
hollywood producers. They thought they were hiring a distant beauty not someone who cracked filthy jokes and sizzled with warmth and approachability.

She did four non-blockbuster, high-integrity films last year, and was nominated for a Critics’ Choice award for her role in Nothing but the Truth, where she plays a journalist jailed
film for not revealing her sources. She gained weight and bleached her luxuriant dark hair to play a white-trash girl in Winged Creatures, then plained herself out to play a US marshall in Whiteout. They are all expected to be released in the UK within the next six months, by which time
Kate Beckinsale will have reinvented herself. Or perhaps she will simply be accepted for who she is. In her head she is not the hard-edged beauty.
She is not glamorous. She doesn’t love her body. She is insecure. As a teenager she suffered from anorexia. She is often self-conscious and uncomfortable, and seems a little kooky because that is just the other side of shy actress.
Source: http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/
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